Blank E-Forms Library

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   Benefit Department Forms
Additional Room Allowance (1.0)
Advanced Direct Payment To Landlord (1.0)
Bank Details Form (2.0)
Basildon Accommodation Details (1.0)
Basildon Discretionary Housing Payments (2.1)
Basildon Discretionary Housing Payments (2.2)
Basildon Habitual Residence Test (1.0)
Basildon HBCTS Application Form (5.7)
Basildon HCTB Appeals (2.0)
Basildon Short HCTB Change of Circumstances (2.1)

Deposit Request Form (1.0)
HBCTR Change Of Address (1.0)
HBCTR Review (1.4)
Housing Benefit Fear of Violence Form (1.0)
Landlord Change of Tenant Notification Form (1.0)
Self Employed Earnings Form V2 (2.0)

   Business Rates Department Forms
Application for Small Business Relief (2.0)
Application for Small Business Relief 2017 (1.0)
Basildon NNDR (1.0)
Business Data Capture (1.0)
Business Rates - Retail Relief Application (1.0)
NDR Change of Circs (1.0)
NDR Combined Vacation and Occupation Form (2.0)
NDR Discretionary Rate Relief (1.0)
NNDR Newspaper Relief

   Council Tax Department Forms
Apprentice Discount Form
Basildon Arrangement Final Notice Form (1.0)
Basildon Arrangement Form (1.0)
Basildon Council Tax - Additional Instalments (1.0)
Basildon Council Tax Change of Address Form (1.0)
Basildon Discount and Exemption Review Form (1.0)
Basildon Severely Mentally Impaired (1.0)
Basildon Single Resident Discount (1.0)
Combined Discount and Exemption Form (1.1)
Council Tax - Change of Circumstances (1.0)

Council Tax - Combined Vacation and Occupation Form (1.0)
Council Tax - Education (1.0)
Council Tax - Notification of Deceased Person (1.0)
Council Tax - Refund Application (1.0)
Short LCTS Application Form (2.0)
Single Person Discount Review (1.0)
Special Arrangement VMP Form (1.0)
Text Messaging Reminders (1.0)

   In House
Referral to Audit (1.0)
Request to Cancel an Invoice (1.0)
Request to Raise a Periodic Invoice (1.1)
Request to Raise an Invoice (1.1)
Request to Raise an Invoice (With Upload) (1.0)

Basildon Charity Application (1.0)
Basildon Council - Council Tax Reduction (2.3)
Basildon Council - Council Tax Reduction Change (2.3)
Basildon Council - Council Tax Reduction Review (2.4)
Basildon Council - Council Tax Reduction STAFF ONLY (2.3)
Evidence Attachment Form (1.0)
Housing Direct Debit Instruction (1.0)

   Pension Credit eligibility checker
Pension Credit or Warm Home Guarantee Eligibility Checker

   Test and Trace
Basildon Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant Application
Basildon Restart Grant Application
Business Adaptations Grant (1.1)
Keeping the Lights On
Local and National Restrictions Support Grant Application
Test and Trace Support Payment application (1.0)